Tuesday, August 25, 2020

I am writing this eating lunch, a delicious veggie soup full of beans, carrots, celery, onion, tomato and chuck steak.  So rich and full of nutrients, I think every bite makes me stronger : )  See recipe below and Zach's amendments.

The color in the fields make me smile.  The eggplant are doing amazing, the peppers are starting to ripen and the winter squash is peaking through the vines.  It's a funky time of year, as it still is hot and seems like summer, but fall is on its way and the fruiting plants know this.  They stop producing green leaves and rather put energy into ripening their fruit and seeds.  We harvest almost all day every day, filling our crates with bright tomatoes, sweet melons and beans.  There are a few zucchini and summer squash plants still producing, but mostly they are tired and are cheering on the neighboring peppers.  The spaghetti squash are ready, but I can;t bring myself to harvest them yet as it makes me feel like summer has passed....I must wait until September ; )

This Week's Bounty: lettuce, chinese cabbage, eggplant, pepper, mini red onion, beets, new potato, zucchini, cucumber, beans, tomato, parsley, basil and melon for full shares (half shares next week)

The Farmer's Table: 

How to Cook Dragon Tongue Beans

  • Dragon Tongue beans are lovely steamed or quickly simmered. It intensifies their delicious nutty flavor. They will fade in color, but you will still see some purple here and there.
  • Dragon Tongue beans are also perfect for pickling along with fresh herbs, spices, and other vegetables.
  • You can also stir fry them with other vegetables.

Vegetable Beef Soup -- Zach's modifications ... no potato (bc they were not harvested yet), zucchini instead of okra.  blanched deseeded fresh tomatoes.  Used chuck steak. YUM!!
stew beef and chuck steak can be found on our FarmDrop!