Tuesday, August 11, 2020

August 11th and 14th

Today is the kind of "sweat even if you are not moving" kind of day.  These pants are on the line waiting to be hosed off before I put them in the wash.  They are actually only from two days' worth of work ... I have been changing my clothes at lunchtime since they are so sweaty and disgusting.  I am grateful for my house which has AC, a nice break from the oppression.  I do feel bad for my poor plants baking out there, wish I could bring them inside too : )

An amazing Maine dinner last night ... cucumber salad, broccolini and beautiful lobsters gifted to us from a shareholder.  Delish!!!

This week's Bounty: cabbage, leeks, broccolini, carrot, green beans, celery, cukes, zukes, summer squash, basil, parsley