Tuesday, August 8, 2017

August 8th and 11th


The "baby" turkeys (now 4 weeks old), have been released from the barn into the jungle of tall grass, and branches. Don't worry, they can still hide in the barn if they are feeling timid and I still shut the barn door at night to keep them safe.  They still have another few weeks before they'll be feathered enough to sleep outside on their own, but for now they are having fun chasing bugs, sunbathing and exploring their new world. 

Speaking of jungles, we have been wading through the sea of cucumbers these past couple of weeks.  It's a tangle of vines, bees and prickly leaves.  We planted less this year and have harvested more than usual.  We had a record 674 lbs last week!  The field is 200' long and we have to traverse this distance while doing Cucumber Yoga the entire way.  (Cucumber Yoga is a cross between Twister and difficult yoga poses!)  And soon we will be wading this sea for melons-yeah!

Thanks to all who picked up more cukes this weekend.  I did my part to and made some Sour Mustard Pickles.

RAIN!  We ended up with .35" last night/this morning and it felt so good!  I am sure the plants will respond positively to the much needed moisture.  As you can see, the blog is a tad late this week again this week.  We have been busy!!!  Setting irrigation takes a lot of time and because of the possibility of rain, we worked double time this weekend, seeding fall crops, cover crops (to protect the soil this winter), mulching asparagus (with a rented mulch chopper/blower) and harvesting.  There is still a bit of weeding and planting here and there, but mostly now we get to harvest the bounty. Life is looking good here at Little Ridge Farm, thanks for joining in on the fun!

This Week's Bounty: lettuce, hakurei turnip w/ greens, beets w/ greens, sweet onions, green beans, new potatoes, zukes, cukes, summer squash, tomato, dill, parsley and basil

The Farmer's Table (a sample of what we're cooking for dinner)
*Roast Beef sandwiches, from our top round roast, soaked in a sugar salt brine.  Made with lettuce, tomato and yogurt horseradish sauce. (now Zach wants a meat slicer!)
*Oyster mushroom Duxelle.  So good!!!  can eat on pasta, with beef or on crackers
*New potatoes with parsley and lemon
*Summer Casserole/Lasagna.  Ham steak braised in tomato sauce.  Lovage, zukes, grated beets and cheese.
*Pasta Free--used chard leaves, eggs, ricotta, mozzarella summer squash!

Yes we ate well this week!!!!!!