Tuesday, August 22, 2017

August 22nd and 25th

 Ahhh Rain!

We ended up with 1.4" of rain last Friday and it was wonderful!!!  I did a walk around Saturday morning and it was so nice to see the soil a little darker and the plants perkier!  Even the birds and the bugs seemed livelier!  This photo is of buckwheat cover crop.  It has a beautiful white flower that attracts all sorts of pollinators.  If you could only HEAR this photo, it is BUZZING with activity!

The next succession of green beans and cabbage are looking happy!

This field is full of the late fall/winter luxuries like cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, beets and carrots.

The rain even spurred the spinach to germinate--yeah!
Be sure to take a moment during pick up and walk around the farm.  It's at its peak right now and soon crisp fall air will be taking over.  See it whiles it's hot!

I spent much of my weekend in the kitchen preserving and baking.  It was lots of fun and a good break from harvesting and other serious farm labor :)  Our peach trees didn't yield quite as many peaches as we hoped, but enough to can some for the winter AND eat lots fresh.

Then I made some blueberry goodies, pickled pepperocini peppers and pesto.

Hope you are preserving summer too!

This week's Bounty: lettuce, kale, beets with greens, beans, broccoli, melon (?), pepper, eggplant, zukes, summer squash, cukes, tomato, dill, cilantro, basil

The Farmer's Table:
-cherry tomatoes, mozzarella, basil and balsamic
-cucumber, sour cream and dill salad
-sauteed mushrooms and pepper with steak and eggs
-fresh pepper, cucumber, tomato and cheese