Pulled over 1000lbs of carrots out of the field yesterday before the rain. One more bed to go. After that we still have beets, celeriac, leeks, cabbage, radishes.... but we are well underway!
Now that we are finally getting the much needed rain (about 8 weeks too late) I am hoping the last of the field crops will get one last growth spurt. The fields are covered in leaves and the remay (frost protection blankets) I have put out are torn apart by deer hooves and fox feet. The cooler temps bring in the wildlife looking for last minute calories before winter sets in. I feel the same, as I can't seem to eat dinner early or fast enough at the end of my day!
Alright, I have to bundle back up and head back out into the rain to get kohl rabi which I forgot to harvest : )
This Week's Bounty: lettuce, chard, green/red tomato, delicata/acorn squash (as a part of your weight), onions, potato, kohl rabi, hot pepper, celery, parsley