Sending Good Energy
Wow our lives have certainly changed these past few weeks. Fear, anger, disbelief, worry so many emotions are running through the energy stream right now. I would like to send a note of hope. The virus is affecting so many levels of our society and for me, of course, healthy food and food access is forefront. My email inbox is flooded every day of Maine farmers grouping together to share safe food handling procedures for both ourselves and our customers and the farming and food distribution community is collaborating to make sure we can provide food for households, food banks and children in food insecure homes. If you have any ideas to contribute or you are interested in volunteering to bag orders, please let me know. Or if you know of programs already happening to get food out and about and they need volunteers, please share that as well.
Simon is somewhat oblivious to all the concern. In fact it has crossed my mind at how HAPPY all the dogs across the world must be now that their owners are spending so much more time with them! (I mean look at that smile : )
This is our new project here at the house...hanging meat
no seriously. Zach is (was) on the road a lot for work and prefers protein snacks to carb snacks. Beef jerky was a snack of choice albeit expensive and not always from "happy cows" like ours. A friend of ours introduced us to Biltong and we gave it a try with a bottom round cut.
It originated in South Africa centuries ago as a food source for travelers. A spice mix is packed on the outside as it air dries along with vinegar which makes this distinctively different from jerky. This was our first go round and we may try a slightly different recipe the next time, but I do think it will be a common practice around here; hanging meat.
Wishing all of you health and possibly the thought of using this time (of the first time ever empty calendar!) to rest, unwind, discover new self entertainment and time with family. Please do not be afraid to reach out of you are in need of help in any way.
Recipe from a shareholder: Harvest Pork & Cider Stew
A fun fact: Pound for pound, Cabbage has the same amount of vitamin C as oranges