Bright Sun, Warm Days
Zucchinis and Summer Squash have arrived!! Half of these plants were planted directly into a puddle back in early June, but they are making a come back with this drier warmer weather! As a farmer, I am very excited to have this new product available, but any of you who have grown zucchini knows that without a daily check, these guys can quickly become baseball bats : ) So now starts my daily haul of hefty produce. Cucumbers will be on their way soon!!
The little turkeys are growing bigger by the day. They have discovered their legs and wings and are now running around like they are on an airstrip and perching on top of anything they can find. But mostly they sleep, all snuggled in the warm sun.
Shiitakes are better than ever, be sure to give them a try!!
Scallion, celeriac, garlic scape and carrot....our seasonal version of the Italians' foundation to any good red sauce (onion, celery, garlic and carrot). Of course we used some frozen 2018 tomatoes....get some from the chest freezer and try it yourself : )
*Reminder that the PYO garden has basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary and parsley!
Donate to our Local Food bank this week buy purchasing an
ice cream cone or a Get Sticky Fruit Bar!!
This Week's Bounty: lettuce, scallions, zuchinni/summer squash, kale, beets with greens, hakurei with greens, kohl rabi, garlic scapes, dill, basil
The Farmer's Table (A snippet of what we eat with our and other local product)
*Sauteed hakurei turnip and greens, parsley and LRF hot sausage on pasta (or not)
*Chard Lasagna (use instead of noodles), sauteed broccoli and mushrooms
* LRF Tenderloin salad with homemade Italian Dressing
*Broccoli, Shiitake, Sausage Frittata