Summer Beauty
We are blessed with a gorgeous milkweed patch in our backfield. The monarchs have a blast flitting around sipping nectar. And the aroma, wow! If only this photo were a scratch n' sniff. Luckily the patch is right near the raspberries, so if you venture out to pick, you'll get to experience this special treat!
The new raspberry patch is looking great! I picked a bunch this weekend and made decadent raspberry chocolate brownies : )
The farm has been buzzing. Although transplanting season is nearing the end, we are still putting in some important crops that will be mature in late fall. We are also catching up with weeds (!), focusing a lot on irrigating and now, with zucchini and summer squash coming in, harvesting on a daily basis. Humidity makes work harder but we still seem to make it through with a smile on our faces (most of the time anyway). Hope you are enjoying summer's beauty too.
This Week's Bounty:
lettuce, kale, kohl rabi, summer squash/zucchini, fennel, sugar snap peas and garlic scapes...