Sunday, September 29, 2013

October 1st and 4th: Lovin' Fall


Order your fresh turkey now--they are the best you will ever taste!!!
I love fall.  Maybe it is because of the bright colors, or the cooler weather, or that it is my birthday month, or the crispness, or the fact that soon I will get a break...whatever the reason, fall is my favorite season.  This past week has been sooooo gorgeous and easy to work in, it is a blessing.  We have been busy busy harvesting crops for pick ups as usual and this week we will move into winter storage crops like carrots, potatoes and winter radishes.  I am feeling so lucky and bountiful this season.  I was looking across the fields trying to decide what to give out for pick up this week and there is so much to choose from, it is hard to decide.  I hope you are loving it!
This Week's bounty: lettuce, fennel, watermelon radish, purple kohl rabi, chard, onions, colored carrots, tomatoes, peppers, herbs...GARLIC!
Next week: ...cabbage, potatoes, leeks...
There are many kohl rabi, fennel salads on the internet but here is one: