The Help
Meet Jean. She is...let's just say older than me and is totally kick a**. She works on the farm twice a week and does anything I ask without complaint. "Hoe that 1600' of completely weed filled carrot bed. Pick over 200lbs of cucumbers in the sweltering heat. Lift that heavy bag of grain and feed the pigs." She is my extra oomph when I am beat and many things would NOT get done without her.
Work Shares...this year I have 8 folks who come once a week for 2-4 hours. They too do anything I ask without complaint in the pouring rain and humid heat! In exchange, they get some money off their share, but I do not think that is why they do it. Some come to learn, some come to get away from their desk for a few hours, some come for solace and some come to fulfill a romantic dream they have of farming (which is quickly shattered when they realize how much work it is--ha!) I don't have any pictures of them but you can be sure that they are filthy and happy at the end if their shift each week.
A big THANK YOU to my employee, work shares and volunteers!!!! This farm runs because of you.
The farm looks great! Lots of rain, but not too much yet. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we will be void of any major disease due to wetness and humidity. I have been spraying beneficial fungicides as a preventative measure. Field tomatoes are moving right along and hopefully in the next few weeks we will see a more substantial amount at pick up. New potatoes and peppers are also right around the corner and the melons have TONS of flowers so hopefully the bees are doing their job and we will see the fruits of their labor soon.
This Week's Bounty: lettuce, an onion of sorts, green beans, zucchini, summer squash, carrots, green cabbage/Chinese cabbage, chard, parsley, dill, cilantro, cutting celery...oh and cukes of course!