Monday, October 1, 2012

October 2nd and 5th: Farewell


Wow I cannot believe it is October!  And it turned fall almost instantly this weekend.  Fall is my favorite season.  Crisp air replaces the humidity, fall colors paint the trees and then the ground. This fall I just feel like I cannot keep up with the harvest.  I'll agree it is good problem to have, loads of food, when you are a farmer....and for you as the consumer : ) 
By the Way--now is the perfect time to sign up for Holiday and Winter Shares, Turkeys and 2013 Summer Shares!!!
The piggies have been loving fall as well.  The last couple of years we have been finishing them in the woods--they just love it in there.  Every day I go out to feed them there is a new log (seriously BIG logs) moved out of the woods and into their pasture...true bulldozers.  This year Zach planted a patch of corn for them.  It was about 100'x100' square and they gobbled it up in about 3 days.  No joke!  I think next year we will plant 2 corn plots for them.  Now I am feeding them any apples I can scrape up from the neighbors yard (if you have any, bring them on over) and corn stalks from my field.  These 9 critters (inlcuding Blind Melon, the blind pig) are pretty special.  And we will miss them when they go this Sunday.  Sending out a big appreciation to them and to the bounty of our land.
This Week's Harvest: lettuce/spinach for Tuesday folks this week (Friday folks got it last week), beets, colored carrot medley, chard, onion, winter squash, pac choi, peppers, tomatoes, turnips, parsley, dill, cilantro...

A great greens description, including pac choi: