Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August 28th and 31st: Greenbeans

Green bean Picking Machines!

"Plunk, plunk, plunk!"  That is the sound (well sort of) that green beans makes hitting the bottom of a empty bucket.  Yesterday we picked over 200lbs of beans...it took us 5 hours!  Despite the fact that the deer have nibbled nearly all the leaves off, this planting pumped out beans this week.  We never even made it to the other 400 feet of beans.  I made a few phone calls and hopefully there will be a gleaning crew here today (although it's raining) from Lots to Gardens in Lewiston.  If they do come and pick, they can easily get 80lbs 

I love picking beans (my farmer friend in NY thinks I'm nuts: ).  At this time of year the soft plants and fruit are a nice relief from prickly cucumbers, summer squash and zucchini.  They don't turn you green like tomato plants or make you feel like you are in a maze like the corn.  Although I certainly do not need 200lbs in a picking, I really wanted to pick these 3 rows so they will keep producing nice beans for a few more weeks.  So.....
Green bean it up!!!
Pick up will be big this week.  Please just take what your family can eat.  Whatever is left goes to the foodbank.  For those of you who have friends and family drooling over your fresh produce, there will be beans and summer squash out for sale for $2/lb which you can purchase for them.
This Week's bounty: beans, beets with greens, hakurei turnips with greens, onions, summer squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, melons, dill, cilantro, parsley, basil, sage, and a few ears of corn!
(corn is not as productive as I would like...you may have to scrape it off the ear to add it to a dish, or suppliment from the market if everyone in the family wants an ear.)
**The lettuce may have to skip a week or two.  And the zukes are s..l..o..w..i..n..g down.  I realize the ones in the bin look a little shotty--they are fresh I promise, it's just that time of year.
Last Night's Dinner:
Scalloped summer squash and potatoes.  Sliced summer squash, potatoes, zucchini, onions layered with cheese and a bit of milk.  Topped with tomatoes and cheese.  Baked,covered, at 350 for an hour, then broiled a few minutes to crisp up the top.

Emailed from a shareholder...I must say Paula's presentation and lighting is much better than any of ours!!!  I believe all of these veggies were tossed in olive oil and herbs then roasted.