Monday, July 29, 2019

July 30th and Aug 2nd


Picking raspberries has been most delightful.  They are bright and cheerful and taste so delicious.  We usually pick for the the last hour or so of work, or I do so on my "time off" as a "relaxant".

The Pick Your Own garden is looking magnificent as usual.  I am so thankful for this place we call home and are happy to share it with you.

Zach bought a fat tire bike last summer and its main purpose has been an Irrigation Mobile.  The little cart he tows behind full of irrigation equipment.  It's been great!  Using the truck was a little overkill and now that we are down to just one, we found ourselves fighting over it.  So the bike has been a great solution and he loves zipping around the farm on it to turn on/off irrigation and say hi to the pigs.  I am thankful he finds irrigation work so entertaining as for me it is a lot of extra time I would rather spend doing something picking raspberries : )

This Week's Bounty: lettuce, arugula, red onion, scallion, fennel, kohl rabi, beets, baby carrots, cucumber, zucchini, summer squash, scapes, basil, dill, cilantro...

The Farmer's Table: 
*summer cooked turkey (with the A/C on!) the last of last years spuds, fresh salad
*zucchini casserole with sour cream, yogurt and dill